Put your business in the frame for crowdfunding success in 2017

Newcastle, NSW October 18th, 2017

EMAIL WARREN SMITH FOR CROWDFUNDING DETAILS: warren.surfest@gmail.com or call 0412127525

Surfest Organiser Warren Smith said today that the response to the 2017 Surfest WSL 6000 Women’s crowdfunding has been incredible with many of the 2016 crowdfunding participants taking a share in 2017.

Warren Smith said, “We feel the return of so many local and national businesses to our 2017 crowdfunding for the WSL 6000 Surfest Women’s Pro is as a direct result of the complete experience we provided to each sponsor including the successful sponsor Taggart Business Advisors and the 70 others.

We know this is a great product and promotional opportunity for business, big and small. We hope to finalise our 2017 crowdfunding very soon.”

Images and graphics by www.throwingbuckets.com.au