Local Newcastle musicians provide Sounds of Surfest

Newcastle, NSW/Australia (Monday, February 17, 2014)

NEWCASTLE musicians are providing the soundtrack for Surfest’s daily highlights video packages in 2014.

The Reel Music Co. and BLive streaming have joined their creative talents to ensure each day’s surfing action is complemented by Newcastle musicians.

Local surfer/musician Luke Pittman of the The Reel Music Co. has curated the Soundtrack to Surfest 2014 and this will provide an awesome soundtrack to daily highlights packages, as well as music that will back another 20 shorter Surfest videos.

“When I listened through my wish list of songs for the project, I was blown away by the level of musical talent in our town.

“The recordings and songs are world class,” Mr Pitman said.

The diverse list of artists contributing to the project includes Daniel March, Bento (Ben Gillies), Firekites, Glowing Embers, Grandmaster Monk, Benjalu, Goldsmith, The Soorleys, Ben and the Sea and Luke Pittman.

“In these tracks you’ll hear tales of the ocean, ships, waves, lighthouses, storms and the east coast.

“The coast, the ocean and Newcastle have a significant impact on the feelings that people lucky enough to live here experience everyday.

“Songwriters and musicians can put that experience in to words and music.

“Surfest and BLive have provided an amazing platform through the website, live coverage and highlights packages for these great artists to gain a heap of exposure, so everybody involved is absolutely pumped for it,” Mr Pittman said.

Log on to surfest.com each afternoon or ‘Like” the Surfest Facebook page to see and hear each day’s highlights packages.

For more info on The Sounds Of Surfest head to www.reelmusic.com.au