headspace Newcastle stoked to be a part of Surfest 2017

(Newcastle NSW – February 3, 2017)

headspace provides services to young people aged 12-25 years of age who are going through a tough time. Our centre can support young people with mental health concerns, physical health issues, drug and alcohol problems and social vocational programs. We’re passionate about getting young people back on track and enjoying life.

Often when a young person is having a tough time they’re not exercising, not seeing their mates and not getting out of the house. SURFEST is a great example of turning that around … a celebration of awesome ocean activity, community and the great outdoors. It’s a privilege to be associated with such a positive event.

It’s important for headspace to promote positive mental health activities for young people … activities in which young people are thriving and having a great time with their mates. This is SURFEST.